Our sustainability charter is the product of a holistic approach to investment that includes ESG concerns within the business environment. We are committed to integrating ESG in all of our activities and ensuring that we deliver transparent and relevant reporting.
Axxcelus Capital Advisory is an independent merchant bank dedicated to facilitating growth in Indigenous asset ownership and bridging the relationship between Industry, Government, and Indigenous communities for long-term economic prosperity.
In Relation to the Environment:
Our investment activities will seek to contribute to the sustainable development of the communities in which we invest
We will consider the impact of our activities on climate change and factor this assessment in our investment decisions
We will strive to implement best environmental practices when planning and executing our investment strategies
In Relation to Corporate Governance:
We will act with fairness, integrity, and transparency with all of our partners and stakeholders
We will promote fair operating practices for our own activities as well as those of our partners
In Relation to Social Responsibility:
The health, welfare, and safety of our team members and all involved in our projects is paramount and will be a primary concern at all times
We will respect the rights and concerns of all people, communities, and stakeholders potentially impacted by our activities
We will encourage community involvement and consultation in all our investment activities
Our ESG Commitment
Our team is responsible for ensuring that ESG considerations are integrated into all of our work, from the pre-investment phase to day-to-day asset management.
We have developed procedures and controls for the investment team to ensure that risks are identified, measured, and properly mitigated.
This enables us to make good investment decisions, to optimize our performance, and ultimately deliver sustainable value to our partners.